Commodity charact近能eristics:
1. The design scheme i你醫s novel, unique, scienti志秒fic in structur線校e and convenient in practi朋下cal operation.
2. One machine is intellig煙媽ent, which can be used for b近女oth automatic sand blasting and manual 都樹sand blasting, and the roller can b綠遠e easily taken and placed.
3. The equipment is equipped with t自機wo high-efficiency spray guns as sta見很ndard, which can perfor中匠m full-automatic san雪可d blasting at regular int小城ervals, and perform inching and precise樂土 positioning.
4. Roller diameter and total nu商厭mber of spray guns can be m信子ade according to customer些腦 satisfaction.
5. Front face roller equipment, easy to劇樂 take and place workpi器計eces
Application field:
It is suitable for larg分花e-scale sandblasting of small workpie湖個ces, such as electric wooden furniture身唱, screws, rubber and文紙 plastic products, buttons, zippers,喝亮 fried dough tw器下ist drills, small and medium-si那民zed CNC blades, etc.