Dongguan Baishiqian Automati視民on Technology Co., Ltd
Mr. HUA: 136317火地68189
Address: Room 101, 370 Liaodong件腦 Road, Liaobu Town, Dongguan, Guangdon器小g
Pre processing stage
The pretreatment sta厭近ge of sand blasting process 訊公refers to the treatment of the work月得piece surface bef她在ore the workpiece is sprayed and coated錯業 with protective layer.
The quality of sand blasting pretrea吧雪tment affects the adhesion是這, appearance, moistu大志re resistance and corrosion resist市南ance of the coating. 得話If the pretreat土志ment is not done well, the很輛 corrosion will co木畫ntinue to spread 視司under the coati玩書ng, causing the coating to fall off跳月 in pieces. The service life of the 放街coating on the surface筆開 that has been car錯河efully cleaned can be 4-5 t生去imes longer than that o兒愛n the workpiece that has 玩服been simply cleaned by exposure. There頻人 are many methods of surface cleaning,計南 but the most popular meth書暗ods are: solvent cleaning, pickli習靜ng, hand tools, power tools.
Sand blasting machine is the most widel章森y used product of abrasi章知ve water jet. Sand blasting machi她熱ne is generally divide飛房d into dry sand blasting machin議跳e and wet sand blasting machine, a妹司nd dry sand blasting machine c做媽an be divided into suction type and p動間ressure type.
Operation process 學動of sand blasting surface treat就熱ment:
[Cleaning and deg個森reasing] → sandblasting吃票 → [rust prevention]
1. Check whether the equ媽那ipment operates normally. I音藍f the nozzle is d自事amaged, the lightin麗能g, ventilation, compresse科靜d air, etc. are no雜現rmal, and the equipment leaks san器吃d, the work can only be carried out a低家fter timely repair.
2. Check whether the route sheet is c銀很onsistent with the parts to avoid mak黑車ing mistakes. Count the number of p雜上arts, and if there is農知 any shortage, report it很站 up in time to facilitate timely sea銀費rch.
3. The parts sha訊爸ll be carefully 女劇inspected. If there ar醫線e defects such 暗呢as burrs, bruises, cracks, etc.放很 on the parts, they 呢什shall be responded開習 in time. Sand blasting can only 商制be carried out with the 新有consent of relevant personnel.
4. Check whether the parts 金了are required to be protected during長謝 sand blasting. If so, take pr看答otective measure外文s in advance.
5. Wear protective equipment, such 劇站as masks, rubber gloves,光哥 work clothes, work 姐木caps, etc.
6. Before sandblasting, co暗些ntact the air compression 術購station to supply compressed air of 3~話土5 atmospheres.
7. First turn on the lamp, the靜亮n turn on the compressed 信熱air valve. Spray the nozzle鄉有 empty for 2-5 minutes器又, so that the water in the pipeline 鄉熱will be sprayed o說靜ut, so as not to damp the sand上低. Then close the吧著 compressed air v房的alve and insert the sand conveyin外動g pipe into the sand.
8. Then send the parts 暗黑into the work box (small pieces can學長 be packed in baskets) and clos下視e the box door.
9. Then start t綠些he exhaust equipme生銀nt, open the compressed air valve, and 知舞sand blast. When sandblast算員ing, the nozzle shall be tilted 30 °~金理40 °; The parts shall be unifor民算mly rotated or turned o慢國ver and the parts or nozzles shall be 文事slowly moved back友一 and forth to make the su我鐘rface of the parts subject to u區文niform spraying 懂木until the surface of the parts is 到和completely silver gray. (For sma到間ll parts instal森金led in baskets, shake友月 and turn the parts 秒輛to meet the sandblastin弟飛g requirements.)
10. Sand blasting跳對 is not allowed 微吧for parts with precision or f分鄉inish requirements. If there are p得對arts on the same part that are requ高長ired not to be sandblasted locally, 可理they shall be protected before 靜月sandblasting.
11. After spraying each batch of par話都ts, close the compressed air valve imme著信diately, and then unpack the part內數s.
12. General parts shall be妹關 transferred to the 不多next process for rust prev花說ention after sandblasting. However, 放可the matte chrome plated parts shal人體l be electroplated imm雪匠ediately after the sand blasting is qu購下alified.
13. Cast iron castings req謝器uiring only sand b現微lasting and roughening shall be delive森在red to the processing workshop im女術mediately without rust p鐵鐘revention treatment after qualified 道個sand blasting.
14. Sand blasting is carried out in a 說下special sand blas我車ting machine. The new san話光d used for sand章美blasting machine shall be dr數玩ied and the impu冷購rities in the sand shall be removed可線 before use.
15. The grain size of silica sand used歌月 for sand blasting 區自is 0.5~1mm (No.微他 20~40), and the pressure of compr訊家essed air is 0.3~0.66M懂我pa (2~6kg/cm2).
16. Low air pressur謝公e shall be used for precision學商 parts, measuri鄉到ng tools, cutti議習ng tools or parts with low月這 hardness, and the 的要distance between the noz器愛zle and the parts門區 shall be appropriately increase拿黃d to ensure the qualit生地y; General parts人放 or parts with high hardne冷金ss adopt relatively high air pressu金可re and appropriate distance.工的
17. The nozzle shall 去得be inclined at 30 °~40 ° to spray 飛習parts, and shall not spray verti爸高cally.
18. The nozzle or parts sh分有all be moved or r件視otated so that the surface of the pa間機rts can be uniformly sprayed int短自o silver gray, but the spraying time sh花日all be too long and the parts shall not木人 be damaged due to exce西慢ssive pressure.
19. Protective measures shall b影飛e taken in advanc嗎大e for parts that are required no呢老t to be sandblasted.
20. When sandblas但草ting the spring生能 collet, pay attention to check whether南工 the sand blocks the hole. Grips with 讀章holes less than 問女1mm are not subject身都 to sand blasting.
21. In the process of 匠麗sand blasting, quality problem了厭s such as cracks and bruises should be 跳亮picked out in time and reported for不吧 timely treatment.
22. To avoid inju農窗ry, the operator國森 must wear protective equipme中錢nt during operation.
Carefully check, remove weldi資了ng slag, spatter麗姐 and other attachments, 美對clean the surface grease and solu體湖ble dirt, and properly hand體生le the useless welding body or conne少信ctor.
Abrasive control
Sand used for sand blasting and rus廠劇t removal shall be hard, angular, dry 冷睡(water content<2%), a日白nd free of soil and o機電ther impurities; Quartz sand and ca影自rborundum are preferred. The麗答 particle size of sand material s答票hould be 0.5~1.5mm. Befor要農e screening, it must be dried and s和日tored in a shed or room. The size 商媽of screen holes is: 懂坐coarse screen 40~48劇就 holes/cm2 (particle siz就拿e 1.2mm), fine scree文不n 372~476 holes/cm2 (particl了長e size 0.3mm).
Tool control
During sand blasting oper通費ation, the air pressur內拍e of the air compressor is 西上6.0 × 105~6.5 × 105Pa, air pressure行一 amplitude is 0.5 × 105~1.0 × 105Pa。村劇
process control票制
Compressed air for sand blasting mu東舊st be treated by cooling de少訊vice and oil-water separator to ensure人男 dryness and oil-free; The oil-呢得water separator must be clean商上ed regularly. The distance between 坐腦the nozzle and the surface of我河 the base steel should be那唱 100~300mm, and the n兒西on sandblasted parts should街睡 be shielded before sandblasti唱有ng. The included angle betwe物理en the spraying direc答刀tion and the normal of the base事照 steel surface should be 15 °~30 °. If店海 re sandblasting is require我工d, the abrasive requirements shal坐答l not be reduced t票笑o avoid reducing the r請師oughness. The nozzle shall not s我林tay somewhere for a long time during s票還and blasting. Manua子慢l or power tools shall be used for自煙 derusting the parts that cannot be麗員 sprayed by the spray gun.
Quality Control
After the completion of sand blasting間朋, the sand blasting derusting 校喝parts shall be comprehensivel朋喝y inspected first, and then the熱腦 cleanliness and roughness 錯我of the base steel surface shall be 小離inspected. Focus on the parts t是花hat are not easy to spray, and reduce他哥 the requirements for manual or pow現湖er tool rust removal看船 parts. Do not touch with 飛麗hands; It shall be conducte討開d under good scattered sunlight or arti河拿ficial lighting conditions 兵男with equivalent illuminance to a有海void missing inspection. Aft鐘店er sand blasting, the cleanliness 視科of metal structure surface shall reach 請務Sa21/2. After sand b北師lasting, the surface roughness 高報of metal struct事房ure shall reach Ry60~100 μ m. The c鄉藍orresponding roughness samples shall 爸可be taken for comparison accord兒你ing to the techn雪身ical requirements.
Abrasive tips:
Sand blasting: scope制體 of sand blasting: 東你metal rust removal, a司拍luminum alloy sand blast水他ing, glass sand blastin為水g (matte surface effect), plastic sand們腦 blasting (deburring), acrylic件得 sand blasting (matte surface effect)厭劇, PC, PS surface問業 treatment, resin surface tr要答eatment, casting work東白piece sand blasting, zinc alloy s學可and blasting (rough surface高雪), stainless steel material sand blas路那ting, stone material sand blastin線了g, hardware paint removal, hardw鐵師are scar removal, shot blas妹亮ting, and other accessory surfac關亮e treatment
Stainless steel sandbl得件asting: It is gene快水rally necessary to know what kind雪嗎 of stainless stee能睡l panel is, including polishe員化d alloy steel shot, wire 紅說drawing surface, and the fog sur用商face of the origin車志al plate. If roughness 不公is required, th開視ere is no requirement for sur遠去face smoothness.
Die castings: generally, low alloy s很對teel is used to remove burrs. G輛麗enerally, shot blasting machine can數下 be used to remov影市e low alloy steel. Cast steel sho外哥t and steel ball 短時can be used. Ste朋吃el ball and steel b車開all can be used to sand blast the 近路surface of shot blasted objects w媽些ith less scratches, shallow 身大scratches and smal西白l scratches. Steel sand can be站國 used to remove mo他照re thick surface dirt. Generally, ste動從el balls and st務木eel sand can be used嗎秒 together. If you wa志筆nt to make the color of alu黃歌minum parts sandblas電答ted whiter and 月哥some high alloy林河 steel, you should conside樂紙r using stainless steel shot and st腦光eel wire cutting shot with hig到一h cost. If you want to save cost, yo我員u should consider mixing the cas個日t steel ball and南做 stainless steel shot at a rati說術o of 8:2. When sandblasting and shot b靜妹lasting, the steel 山相ball will be cleaned once every time一習 you work, and more t地體imes of sandblastin路金g and shot blasting can al請這so achieve a white effect.
Cast steel shot Steel grit Sta也多inless steel shot Aluminum sho農火t Copper shot
Cast Steel Shot i木兵s commonly known as steel sho歌市t steel shot abrasiv山秒es, shot, alloy steel shot, steel grai門科n, steel shot ste亮海el grit is a substitute for cast 錯快iron shot and iron shot,高秒 also known as shot 國藍blasting abrasiv車窗e, shot blasting machine abrasiv笑又e, shot blastin章木g material, shot blasting rust remova銀是l abrasive, shot bl開腦asting abrasive, shot blasti長哥ng abrasive, sa會船nd blasting abrasive, sand blasting北些 consumables, abrasives of sand blas上村ting machine, s員刀hot blasting rust removal abrasive, sho動和t blasting material, san嗎都d blasting material, rust妹小 removal abrasive Steel p船女late pretreatment校頻 abrasives, steel pretrea了鐵tment abrasives ar對黑e ideal metal abrasives for shot 校長blasting cleaning and shot peen問筆ing strengthening.
Steel shot is used as abrasive in dr分謝um type, chain 北快type, hook type, crawler type, throug玩快h type, rotary table type, stacking遠舊 type, stepping t嗎樂ype, trolley type shot blastin關呢g machine (shot blasting machine公好), shot blasting machine, 風就shot blasting equipment, shot blastin為雪g machine, shot blast街家ing, shot blasting equipment, sa聽低nd blasting machine, sand blasti計山ng equipment, rust r窗呢emoval equipment, steel pre她學treatment production line, steel pl工校ate pretreatment production喝笑 line, steel struc裡討ture pretreatment p林校roduction line.